Before using REI for your outdoor gear and apparel needs, it’s important to be aware of their customer service, including the contact information, reviews, ratings, and complaints listed below. REI (Recreational Equipment, Inc.) is a well-known outdoor retailer that offers a wide range of products including clothing, footwear, gear, and equipment for camping, hiking, cycling, and other outdoor activities.
How to Contact REI
You can reach REI customer service using the following details:
- Phone Number (Customer Support): 1-800-426-4840
- Email Support: REI does not offer a direct email for customer support, but you can use their online contact form on the website.
- Chat: Available on the REI website during business hours
- Customer Service Hours: Monday to Friday, 5 AM to 10 PM (PT); Saturday and Sunday, 6 AM to 9 PM (PT)
- Corporate Address: REI, 6750 S 228th St., Kent, WA 98032, USA
- Website:
REI Customer Support Reviews and Complaints
When considering using REI for your outdoor gear and apparel needs, it’s helpful to review their customer service feedback. REI competes with other outdoor retailers such as Patagonia, The North Face, Backcountry, and Moosejaw. Customer reviews often highlight the quality and durability of REI’s products, the helpfulness of in-store staff, and the benefits of the REI Co-op membership, which offers dividends, discounts, and access to exclusive events. Many customers appreciate REI’s commitment to sustainability and outdoor education. However, some complaints focus on issues related to online order processing, return policies, and occasional product availability.
Comparing REI with other outdoor retailers like Patagonia, The North Face, Backcountry, and Dick’s can help you determine which store offers the best combination of product quality, pricing, and customer support for your outdoor adventures.
Customer Service Numbers Disclaimer
At, we also provide a rating, review and comment section where you can leave your own review. Note: This website listing is not associated with REI. The information and the reviews are a service provided by