Reach ComEd Customer Service Number – Reviews And Complaints

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  • Reach ComEd Customer Service Number – Reviews And Complaints

Comed is a utility company in the mid-west United States. They are the largest utility in Illinois. Comed (Commonwealth Edison Company) is part of the Exelon Corporation. Exelon has operations and business activities in 47 US states, Washington DC and Canada. ComEd’s customer service is available by phone, text, email or us mail. ComEd provides electric utility service to more than 3.7 million customers across Northern Illinois. One of their main competitors is FPL.

ComEd Customer Service Contact Phone Number for Support and Help

The contact phone numbers are listed for the various departments within Comed. They offer phone numbers for residential customers, business customers and those with special needs.
Comed Customer Service: 1-800-334-7661
Comed Business Customers: 1-800-877-426-6331
Office Number: 1-312-394-4321
Exelon: 1-312-394-7398
Fax: 1-312-394-2231
TDD Phone Number: 1-800-572-5789
En Espa?ol: 1-800-955-8237
Receivables & Billing : 1-800-588-9477
TDD/TDY: 1-800-334-7661
Text Power Outages to: 26633
Call before you dig – Chicago: 1-312-744-7000
Call before you dig Other Areas – 1-800-892-0123
Call before you dig: 811
Pay by Phone – Residential: 1-800-334-7661
Pay by Phone – Business: 1-877-426-6331
Convenience Payment – Residential: 1-800-588-9477
Convenience Payment – Business:1-877-426-6331

Comed Address Information

Comed is located in Chicago, Illinois. They have multiple business locations located throughout the Illinois. Their most important mailing addresses are listed below.

ComEd Customer Care
Customer Care Center
P.O. Box 805379
Chicago, IL 60680-5379

Comed Official Websites

Comed’s official website is On Comed’s website, customers can access their account, make payments and read FAQ’s, report outages and problems.

Comed does not publish customer service email addresses. However they do offer a contact us page, where you can submit your customer service issues through a form. You can access that form through this link.
Comed Support & Help
For emailing the Call Before You Dig Program, the email is listed below.
Damage Prevention Email: [email protected]
Social Media
Comed is a very progressive company and they maintain several social media accounts. Comed updates these accounts very frequently. They use social media to , offer promotions, show commercials, offer contests to highlight their brand. Also, they will handle difficult customer service issues using social media. Links to ComEds social media accounts are listed below.
Comed on Facebook
Comed on Twitter
Comed on Youtube
Comed App

Hints to Reach a Live Person

To reach a life person at Comed customer service, call their custome service phone number and then just do not say anything or push any buttons. Eventually, you will be connected to a live person at Comed.

Customer Service Review

Comed’s customer service is about average for a utility company. They offer customer service through a their phone numbers, email and social media. They show all of their contact information on their website and they do not try to hide their phone numbers.
However, they are not perfect and they do make mistakes. Please review and rate your customer service experience with Comed below.

ComEd Customer Service
Phone Number for ComEd Customer Support


2.5 out of 5 stars (based on 4 reviews)
Very good0%

Comed sucks!

August 13, 2014

they suck….

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ComEd Customer Service

May 21, 2014

I have been living at this address for the last 3 months ago on this address; So I want to change the billing name. My name is SYED. What have to do about this change, please give me advice.

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ComEd Customer Service

May 5, 2014

I lived in my apartment, 2 bedroom 900 square feet and my first bill is over $500!!!! I called to complain and they tell me nothing is wrong with my meter!!!Then they disconnect my light!!!I’ve never had to pay so much money in my life for 1 month of service!!!!

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ComEd Customer Service Issue

March 28, 2014

I have been trying for over a week to start service in my new apartment but am unable to online it keeps not going through and when I called they gave me an account which when I tried to look up the number said was not an existing account! I’m losing my marbles over here. Does anyone else have this issue? who am I supposed to contact to actually get service?

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