Before booking travel accommodations through Agoda, it’s important to be aware of their customer service, including the contact information, reviews, ratings, and complaints listed below.
How to Contact Agoda
You can reach Agoda customer service using the following details:
- Phone Number: 1-866-656-8207
- Email Support: Agoda offers support through their online contact form available on their website.
- Customer Service Hours: 24/7 online support
- Corporate Address: Agoda Company Pte. Ltd., 30 Cecil Street, Prudential Tower #19-08, Singapore 049712
- Website:
Agoda Customer Support Reviews and Complaints
When considering booking accommodations through Agoda, it’s helpful to review their customer service feedback. Agoda is a popular online travel agency, often competing with companies like, Expedia,, and Airbnb. Customer reviews often highlight the competitive pricing and variety of accommodation options available through Agoda, while some complaints focus on booking errors and difficulties in reaching customer support.
Customer Service Numbers Disclaimer
At, we also provide a rating and comment section where you can leave your own review. Evaluating these reviews and complaints can help you make an informed decision about booking through Agoda.
Note: This website listing is not associated with Agoda. The information and the reviews are a service provided by
Agoda does not provide support services directly through this website. For any questions or concerns about Agoda products or services, contact their customer service representative directly.