Postmates Customer Service – Reviews And Complaints

Online Help Only

Before using Postmates for your food and goods delivery needs, it’s important to be aware of their customer service, including the contact information, reviews, ratings, and complaints listed below. Postmates is a popular delivery platform that connects users with local restaurants and stores for fast and convenient delivery of food, groceries, and other goods.

How to Contact Postmates

You can reach Postmates customer service using the following details:

  • Phone Number (Customer Support): Postmates does not provide a direct customer service phone number; support is available through the app.
  • Email Support: Postmates does not provide direct email support; inquiries are handled through the app’s help section.
  • Chat: Available through the Postmates app for real-time support.
  • Customer Service Hours: Support is available 24/7 through the Postmates app.
  • Corporate Address: Postmates Inc., 201 3rd Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA
  • Website:

Postmates Customer Support Reviews and Complaints

When considering using Postmates for food and goods delivery, it’s helpful to review customer service feedback. Postmates competes with other delivery platforms such as Uber Eats, DoorDash, and Grubhub. Customer reviews often highlight the convenience of ordering a wide range of items, from restaurant food to groceries and household essentials, all through one app. Many customers appreciate the variety of delivery options and the ability to track their deliveries. However, some complaints focus on issues related to incorrect orders, late deliveries, and the responsiveness of customer support, particularly when dealing with refunds or delivery issues.
Comparing Postmates with other services like Uber Eats, DoorDash, Amazon Flex, and Grubhub can help you determine which platform offers the best combination of service options, delivery speed, and customer support for your delivery needs.

Customer Service Numbers Disclaimer

At, we also provide a rating, review, and comment section where you can leave your own review.
Note: This website listing is not associated with Postmates Inc. The information and the reviews are a service provided by

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2.5 out of 5 stars (based on 668 reviews)

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