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Reach Dennys Restaurant Customer Care

Customer Service Contact Information For Dennys Restaurant 1-800-733-6697

Dennys Kona HI

May 17, 2014

05/12/14 at 9:30 am we arrived at Dennys in Kona Hawaii!!! first comment no one greeted us, we waited and I saw this lady with long hair and white hair! Why is she looking at us so disappointed? WE ALMOST WALK OUT? Later on, I heard she was yelling at the worker. and she’s helping the server to serve our food! the food is not bad, but my wife food is sooo dirty she found white hair???from now on BIG BIG NO WAY WE EAT AT DENNYS!!!

Avatar for laila

Dennys Customer Service

May 17, 2014

Me and my family eat at Dennys Kona Hawaii. That’s Mother’s Day…the food it take 1hr.I called the server and asked why so long the order? he said we only have one cook, what the heck? what kind of business do you guys have no workers? I told him I wanted to talk to the manager? he said she’s helping the cook, and I can’t bother her because she’s a TIGER BOSS? I asked what the name of the boss he said PAMELA….this place needs improvement..change the TIGER BOSS?

Avatar for Teddy

Dennys Hope Hull AL

April 16, 2014

I’m a truck driver so I eat at Denny’s in the travel centers several times a week. None are perfect but today I was irritated at the Hope Hull, Alabama location. The wait staff is being “retrained”. That’s fine but…..the three girls working at 4 pm were very young impressionable girls. Wanda the trainer assigned their areas and one asked about seating customers in the front of the restaurant. Wanda told the girls they weren’t good enough to handle the whole restaurant and until they proved to her they could do it, only the rear of the restaurant would be used. First of all, they aren’t allowed to use it, how do they prove it? Second training you don’t put people down, you be positive and build their confidence level- it makes them happy and want to work harder for you. I did food service for 18 years before driving trucks and being nice and positive works better. I also train drivers and it applies here too. I won’t stop to eat here again because I felt so embarrassed for the girls. Our waitress was making our desserts when a customer sat in her area so she didn’t see him. After a few minutes Wanda saw him raise his arm for service so she took his order and then went and chewed out our waitress for not serving him. Jalah H was our waitress’s name, she didn’t know he was there. Then Wanda made her apologize to him and asked her loudly if she did it! She embarrasses the wait staff and I think upper management needs to do something about it before they lose these girls and more customers.

Avatar for Christine

Dennys Needs More Syrup Choices

April 5, 2014

My last visit to a Denny’s was 5 years ago. I vowed then that I wouldn’t return- not because the food was bad but because they claim to be a breakfast place but offer no variety in their pancake syrup. Maple is it- no berry syrups of any kind. I went back to a Denny’s tonite( only choice available close to hotel)hoping to find Denny’s caught up to the 21st century and started offering syrup variety. No go!! Come on! I’m done with Denny’s for good now- unless I see an ad saying they now offer something besides maple.

Avatar for Soccerdodo

Denny's In El Paso Texas

March 2, 2014

This morning at 0800 we went to eat at the Denny’s in El Paso, Texas. The nice hostess fretted us with a warm smile. We sat down and I saw all the wait staff standing around talking and laughing and carrying on. Well a while later (at this point we still haven’;t been approached in this empty restaurant). Finally, our waitress who was the life of the party said loudly “Oh, OK I’m sorry” noticing that we were there sitting and waiting to at least get a drink order. I ordered the sausage skillet and my husband ordered his plate. Well, she didn’t write anything down and gathered our menus. She walked to the hostess/cashier stand and started to talk to the hostess/greeter. I walked up to her and asked for my bacon to be extra crispy. She proceeds to talk about her ring and laugh loudly( mind you she still hasn’t placed our order in). She finally is done with her conversation with the hostess and talking STILL LOUDLY about her night last night. I was very disappointed !! When we got our food my back was barely cooked. I knew it I knew she didn’t put that in because her mouth was the fastest-moving part of her body, not her legs or hands. I picked through the skillet and pulled out the raw bacon. It was stretchy and unappetizing. She came to the table and I asked for a side of bacon “CRISPY” She came with some more stretchy bacon. I’ve just decided that this place needs a new wait staff. She never came with the bill so we walked to the cashier stand and she gave “A Bill” to a different server and it wasn’t our order by the way it was from yesterday. She comes to the front fumbling through her pockes and decides to just print a new ticket. This was the worst breakfast EVER! Please take care of this issue. She needs a leader to re-train her.

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2.8 out of 5 stars (based on 335 reviews)

Dennys Kona HI

May 17, 2014

05/12/14 at 9:30 am we arrived at Dennys in Kona Hawaii!!! first comment no one greeted us, we waited and I saw this lady with long hair and white hair! Why is she looking at us so disappointed? WE ALMOST WALK OUT? Later on, I heard she was yelling at the worker. and she’s helping the server to serve our food! the food is not bad, but my wife food is sooo dirty she found white hair???from now on BIG BIG NO WAY WE EAT AT DENNYS!!!

Avatar for laila

Dennys Customer Service

May 17, 2014

Me and my family eat at Dennys Kona Hawaii. That’s Mother’s Day…the food it take 1hr.I called the server and asked why so long the order? he said we only have one cook, what the heck? what kind of business do you guys have no workers? I told him I wanted to talk to the manager? he said she’s helping the cook, and I can’t bother her because she’s a TIGER BOSS? I asked what the name of the boss he said PAMELA….this place needs improvement..change the TIGER BOSS?

Avatar for Teddy

Dennys Hope Hull AL

April 16, 2014

I’m a truck driver so I eat at Denny’s in the travel centers several times a week. None are perfect but today I was irritated at the Hope Hull, Alabama location. The wait staff is being “retrained”. That’s fine but…..the three girls working at 4 pm were very young impressionable girls. Wanda the trainer assigned their areas and one asked about seating customers in the front of the restaurant. Wanda told the girls they weren’t good enough to handle the whole restaurant and until they proved to her they could do it, only the rear of the restaurant would be used. First of all, they aren’t allowed to use it, how do they prove it? Second training you don’t put people down, you be positive and build their confidence level- it makes them happy and want to work harder for you. I did food service for 18 years before driving trucks and being nice and positive works better. I also train drivers and it applies here too. I won’t stop to eat here again because I felt so embarrassed for the girls. Our waitress was making our desserts when a customer sat in her area so she didn’t see him. After a few minutes Wanda saw him raise his arm for service so she took his order and then went and chewed out our waitress for not serving him. Jalah H was our waitress’s name, she didn’t know he was there. Then Wanda made her apologize to him and asked her loudly if she did it! She embarrasses the wait staff and I think upper management needs to do something about it before they lose these girls and more customers.

Avatar for Christine

Dennys Needs More Syrup Choices

April 5, 2014

My last visit to a Denny’s was 5 years ago. I vowed then that I wouldn’t return- not because the food was bad but because they claim to be a breakfast place but offer no variety in their pancake syrup. Maple is it- no berry syrups of any kind. I went back to a Denny’s tonite( only choice available close to hotel)hoping to find Denny’s caught up to the 21st century and started offering syrup variety. No go!! Come on! I’m done with Denny’s for good now- unless I see an ad saying they now offer something besides maple.

Avatar for Soccerdodo

Denny's In El Paso Texas

March 2, 2014

This morning at 0800 we went to eat at the Denny’s in El Paso, Texas. The nice hostess fretted us with a warm smile. We sat down and I saw all the wait staff standing around talking and laughing and carrying on. Well a while later (at this point we still haven’;t been approached in this empty restaurant). Finally, our waitress who was the life of the party said loudly “Oh, OK I’m sorry” noticing that we were there sitting and waiting to at least get a drink order. I ordered the sausage skillet and my husband ordered his plate. Well, she didn’t write anything down and gathered our menus. She walked to the hostess/cashier stand and started to talk to the hostess/greeter. I walked up to her and asked for my bacon to be extra crispy. She proceeds to talk about her ring and laugh loudly( mind you she still hasn’t placed our order in). She finally is done with her conversation with the hostess and talking STILL LOUDLY about her night last night. I was very disappointed !! When we got our food my back was barely cooked. I knew it I knew she didn’t put that in because her mouth was the fastest-moving part of her body, not her legs or hands. I picked through the skillet and pulled out the raw bacon. It was stretchy and unappetizing. She came to the table and I asked for a side of bacon “CRISPY” She came with some more stretchy bacon. I’ve just decided that this place needs a new wait staff. She never came with the bill so we walked to the cashier stand and she gave “A Bill” to a different server and it wasn’t our order by the way it was from yesterday. She comes to the front fumbling through her pockes and decides to just print a new ticket. This was the worst breakfast EVER! Please take care of this issue. She needs a leader to re-train her.

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